We chose to use PayPal as the easiest and most secure means for you to donate. When you click on either the Donate (for a one time donation) or Subscribe (for ongoing support) buttons under either fund in this website, you will be brought to PayPal. If you already have a PayPal account, simply log in. If you don't, you will be prompted to set one up. It's easy and fast.

PayPal is an online financial institution enabling money transfers to be made through the Internet. PayPal is an electronic alternative to paper methods such as checks. A PayPal account can be funded with an electronic debit from a bank account or by a credit card. PayPal is highly secure just like any financial institution with online banking. Currently, PayPal manages over 73 million active accounts. With PayPal, not even we see your credit card information.

If you have any questions about any aspect of these funds or this site, please use the "Contact Us" page and someone will be in touch with you promptly.