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Honoring Geoff Dates

Geoff Dates helped lead River Watch Network's (and later River Network's) nationwide efforts to promote scientifically credible citizen-based volunteer water quality monitoring. Geoff understood that as a society, we were failing to meet the goals of the Clean Water Act to restore the biological, chemical and physical integrity of our nation's waters.

Geoff believes that providing citizens with the tools and know-how to collect scientifically credible data empowers them to gather the information they need to take appropriate action to restore and protect their local watersheds.

As friends of Geoff, we want to demonstrate our support and appreciation of his leadership in our field. A medical condition has limited Geoff in his ability to lead in all the ways he once did; we want to provide support to help Geoff optimally enjoy and possibly participate in the movement he helped form.

Choose from one of the three basic donation options below. The Monthly Donation is preferred!! Thanks.

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Monthly Donation Amount

Yearly Donation Amount

Please note: It's easy to cancel your ongoing donation at any time. Simply log into your PayPal account and cancel under "My preapproved payments"

Information on Parkinson's Disease